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Now we have passed Thanksgiving here in the US, and are settling down for winter. (Even though it isn’t really Winter for a few more weeks…) It does usually start to feel like Winter here around now – but I must say, this year, it’s 

Giving Thanks and Inhabiting the Kitchen

Giving Thanks and Inhabiting the Kitchen

I didn’t really plan Thanksgiving week to be a perfect Proof of Concept of the Inhabited Kitchen approach to cooking and meal planning – but it was. As I mentioned last Wednesday, I had a particularly difficult string of unusually bad migraines. Ending, in fact, 

Turkey in Cream Sauce with Waffles

Turkey in Cream Sauce with Waffles

So on Thursday this happened. I had stripped the menu down to the minimum, but felt a bit better on the day, and was able to make cranberry sauce and gravy… And for the two of us, it was enough.



What a week! Everything has combined to pull me away from both kitchen and computer… right when everyone else I know is cooking madly. Well, first (and best) Friday was my birthday. Our celebration was fairly quiet, but Rich took me to a showcase presentation 

Sweet Potatoes with Apples

Sweet Potatoes with Apples

Bake sweet potatoes with apples, for an attractive, elegant, slightly sweet presentation. I did not grow up with marshmallows in my sweet potatoes – and, luckily, neither did Rich… Most of the time, really, Mom just baked them, as I have since. Easy, delicious, just