Tag: eggs

Egg Salad

Egg Salad

Mix several condiments together to make sauce for your egg salad, with some chopped vegetables – add a little variety to the flavor! I always seasoned egg salad basically the way I always seasoned deviled eggs. Mayonnaise, a little mustard, same way everyone I knew 

WIAW 188 – North Carolina Weather

WIAW 188 – North Carolina Weather

So I’ve been here in North Carolina a bit over a month and a half, and temperatures have gone from 12°F to 83ºF. I am told this is not typical… In fact, both extremes are downright odd.  (I was rather relieved to know that 83° 

Potato Vegetable Salad

Potato Vegetable Salad

Potato Vegetable Salad? Vegetable Potato Salad? And I didn’t even mention the eggs… Years ago some variation of this was my go-to dish for pot lucks and picnics. “Anne will bring potato salad, of course. Anne, that salad with the unpeeled potatoes? With the egg/onion/veggies? 

Eggs in Curry Sauce

Eggs in Curry Sauce

Would you like a recipe that covers half a dozen current food trends at once? Vegetarian – whether you want that for Meatless Monday, Lenten Friday, or you actually are a vegetarian. (Or you have an unexpected vegetarian guest…) Dinner in less than half an 

Fridays Without Fish

Fridays Without Fish

Over the last few days I’ve seen several requests for ideas for Lenten meals that are not fish. I have to be honest, I had not even thought about this as a need. I’ve eaten all along the continuum from pescatarian through ovo-lacto vegetarian to