Tag: Preserving the Harvest

WIAW 153 – Quick and Easy

WIAW 153 – Quick and Easy

We had some gorgeous days this week! Temperatures in the 60s (when there’d been snow on the ground the week before!) Beautiful clear days, sunny sky, crisp rather than cold breeze… I went to the nearest Greenmarket. The big one at Union Square is in 

WIAW 136 – More Vegetables!

WIAW 136 – More Vegetables!

So of course the flea market was rained out… No rain date, either, because of scheduling issues. Anyone wanna buy some Corningware? It’s nice, we just have too much… and I’d like to get my dining table back.

15 Minute Dinner – Corn and Chicken

15 Minute Dinner – Corn and Chicken

Sometimes I need a 15 minute dinner. I can still have a home cooked, from scratch, gluten free meal. I just have to Plan For Meals. We’re at the tail end of August, now. Around here this means school starts next week, we had some 

WIAW 128 – August Bounty

WIAW 128 – August Bounty

Last week, Rich came home from the CSA pickup with our farmshare, and announced “I bet you didn’t know it was Phallic Vegetable Day!” Wait, what??

Freezer Planning

Freezer Planning

Freezer Planning – a freezer stocked with vegetables and meat (cooked or not) makes meal preparation easy.   The year winds down… Our last CSA pickup is next week, and Thanksgiving is the week after. We have armloads of dense autumn and winter storage vegetables,