Tag: Breakfast

WIAW  198

WIAW 198

It’s been raining… On and off cloudbursts and thunderstorms most of the week. I have now had an introduction to North Carolina humidity. I did know, coming down here, that we only think New York City is humid…  (Well, we do have to explain “It’s 

WIAW 197

WIAW 197

Everything has been running late this week – so many family things to pay attention to! I’m trying to catch up and get ahead… We did go out with the parents and Rich’s brother and sister in law for Mother’s Day, and that was lovely… 

WIAW 196 – Birthday Edition

WIAW 196 – Birthday Edition

Wow. We just had a couple of weeks of total chaos…  first medical appointments for half the family (from routine checkups to minor elective surgery for one of the cats – she’s fine, thank you.) And then a series of minor not-quite-crises from a totally 

WIAW 194

WIAW 194

This weekend was a little exciting – in all the wrong ways… I managed somehow to hurt my arm. Well, actually, the consensus is that I’ve been hurting it very gradually most of my life, and somewhere in the last month reached the straw(s) that 

WIAW 193 – April!

WIAW 193 – April!

“If you don’t like the weather” my North Carolina friends tell me “just wait a while. It will change.” On the other hand, I am also being told that this year has pushed the limits of even that… 80° yesterday, expected to go into the